Full History
Priests of St. Martin de Tours
Historic Photographs
Church Photo Tour
250th Anniversary Year of Celebration
Calendar of Events
Commemorative Coins
November 11, 2015 250th Anniversary Mass
Church Tour Brochure (PDF)
Church Videos
Christmas 2015 Church Square to Music
Nov. 11, 2016 250th Anniversary Mass
Diocese of Lafayette Centennial Photos
Our Patron
Clergy/Parish Staff
Rev. Fr. Jason Vidrine
Deacon Adam Conque
Deacon Joshua LeBlanc
Parish Staff & Volunteers
Tammy Lee LeBlanc
Dianne Douet
Tilly Duplechein
Patrick E. Melancon
Ed Horn
Ethan Horn
Sheila Ambrose
Doreen Durand
Brenda Courville
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Sainte Messe en Français
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Sacrament of Baptism
Sacrament of Confirmation
Sacrament of the Holy Eucharist
Sacrament of Penance
Advent Wednesdays
Sacrament of Holy Matrimony
Sacrament of Anointing of the Sick
Sacrament of Holy Orders
Traditional Latin Mass
TLM First Holy Communion
TLM Holy Communion FAQ
TLM Confirmation
TLM Confirmation Registration Form
TLM Confirmation Sponsor Form
FAQ TLM Confirmation
Perpetual Adoration
Rite of Exposition and Benediction
Pastoral Council
Readers & Extraordinary Ministers Schedule
Altar Servers
Altar Server Training and Cook Out
Sacred Music
St. Martha's Guild
Come Lord Jesus
Knights of Columbus
Catholic Daughters
That Man Is You
Mens Group/Ultreya
Men's Bible Study
Children of Mary
Troops of St. George
Le Saint Chapelet/French Rosary
Way of the Cross
Perpetual Novena of Our Lady of Perpetual Help
Children's Rosary
May Day Procession
OCIA - How do I become Catholic?
Adult Confirmation
Catechesis Program
Grade 1, 3-7 Family Catechesis
Register for Family Catechesis
Grade 2 First Holy Communion Preparation
Register for First Holy Communion Preparation
Grade 8 Confirmation Preparation
Register for Grade 8 Confirmation 2025
Formation Opportunities
For Your Family
Lenten Mission
Mercredi Soir au St. Martin de Tours
Family Holy Hour
Young Disciples
Credo for Children
For Adults
An Evening with Dr. Mike Foley
For Men
That Man is You!
Men's Bible Study
For Youth
High School Hang Out
Safe Environment
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Nov 11 - Feast of St. Martin
May Day 2025
Holy Days
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Diocese of Lafayette News
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Wedding Fees
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Holy Mass Schedule
Contact Us
Our Patron
Clergy/Parish Staff
Contact Us
Church Office Hours
Sacred Liturgy/Sacraments
Holy Mass Schedule
Holy Days
Sacrament of Baptism
Sacrament of Confirmation
Sacrament of the Holy Eucharist
Sacrament of Penance
Sacrament of Holy Matrimony
Sacrament of Anointing of the Sick
Sacrament of Holy Orders
Traditional Latin Mass
Perpetual Adoration
Rite of Exposition and Benediction
Pastoral Council
Readers & Extraordinary Ministers Schedule
Altar Servers
Sacred Music
St. Martha's Guild
Come Lord Jesus
Knights of Columbus
Catholic Daughters
That Man Is You
Mens Group/Ultreya
Men's Bible Study
Children of Mary
Troops of St. George
OCIA - How do I become Catholic?
Adult Confirmation
Catechesis Program
Formation Opportunities
Safe Environment
Catholic Links
Nov 11 - Feast of St. Martin
May Day 2025
Holy Days
Photo Albums
Diocese of Lafayette News
Contact Us
Register as New Parishioner
Cemetery & Mausoleum Policy
Parish Office Hours
General Offeratory
Special Donations
Second Collections
Cemetery Dues
Wedding Fees
Donor Login
TLM Confirmation Registration Form
Sacred Liturgy/Sacraments
Holy Mass Schedule
Holy Days
Sacrament of Baptism
Sacrament of Confirmation
Sacrament of the Holy Eucharist
Sacrament of Penance
Sacrament of Holy Matrimony
Sacrament of Anointing of the Sick
Sacrament of Holy Orders
Traditional Latin Mass
TLM First Holy Communion
TLM Confirmation
TLM Confirmation Registration Form
TLM Confirmation Sponsor Form
FAQ TLM Confirmation
Perpetual Adoration
Rite of Exposition and Benediction
The maximum number of form submissions has been reached. This form is currently not available.
This Form is Due by Palm Sunday, April 13, 2025.
Name of Youth
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Proposed Confirmation Saint Name
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Date of Birth
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Age of Child on June 8, 2025.
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Father's Name
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Father's Phone Number
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Mother's Name
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Mother's Phone Number
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Physical Address
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At What Church Do You Attend the TLM?
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I agree to send a copy of my child's baptism certificate to St. Martin de Tours parish office at:
St. Martin de Tours Church
PO Box 10
St. Martinville, LA 70582
I Agree
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I will also complete the
Sponsor Form
(find here) for my child. I understand my registration will not be complete until I have submitted this form.
I Agree
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I understand that at this time, Confirmation of those under 13 years old is not guaranteed.
I Agree
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I understand that my child's reception of Confirmation is contingent on my child's readiness. I will also ensure my child receives the Sacrament of Confession at sometime not long before June 8, 2025.
I Agree
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I will prepare my child for Confirmation by purchasing "St. Joseph First Communion Catechism (No. 0 of the Baltimore Catechism)" for ages 7-10 or "St. Joseph First Communion Catechism (No. 0 of the Baltimore Catechism)" and "Preparation For Confirmation" prepared by Angelus Press for ages 11-18. I will have my child memorize the prayers and basic answers found in these pages.
I Agree
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I understand that the dress code for Confirmation is as follows: Young Women are to wear a head-covering and a modest white or off white dress that covers the knees, the shoulders etc.. The Young Men are required to wear dress pants(black or grey) with a white oxford shirt and black tie.
I Agree
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